Hobby: Original songs, music and composition
Instrument: Guitar
Country: Chong Qing, China
Dream: Becomes music professional
Idol: MJ,张学友,周杰伦,张惠妹 released the Tinjie Chen’s work at itunes worldwide. The following is the sample list of from some iTunes store, if your country is not listed here, you may search the artist by name “Tinjie Chen”.
United State US iTunes
- released ’s work at United State US iTunes Albums:
- Forgot to Say Goodbye US iTunes Album:
The United State individual US iTunes songs:
Forgot to Say Goodbye US iTunes Song:
Room For only One Heart US iTunes Song:
Canada iTunes
- released Forgot To Say Goodbye – Single – Tinjie Chen ’s work at Canada iTunes Albums:
- Forgot to Say Goodbye Canada iTunes Album:
In Canada, the individual Canada iTunes songs:
Forgot to Say Goodbye Canada iTunes Song:
Room For only One Heart Canada iTunes Song:
Mexico iTunes
- released ’s work at Mexico iTunes Albums:
- Forgot to Say Goodbye Mexico iTunes Album:
In Canada, the individual Mexico iTunes songs:
Forgot to Say Goodbye Mexico iTunes Song:
Room For only One Heart Mexico iTunes Song:
These songs can also be downloaded from here:
Forgot to Say Goodbye (Amazon) tinjie chen
- 在美国的iTunes 上发行 的 作品 歌集:
- 歌集忘了说再见 在美国的iTunes 上发行的歌集:
The United State individual US iTunes songs:
- released Forgot To Say Goodbye – Single – Tinjie Chen 的 作品 歌集:
- 歌集忘了说再见 加拿大 iTunes 歌集:
In Canada, the individual Canada iTunes songs:
- 在墨西哥的iTunes 上发行 的 作品 歌集:
- 歌集忘了说再见 在墨西哥的iTunes 上发行的歌集:
In Canada, the individual Mexico iTunes songs:
Room For only One Heart (Amazon) tinjie chen song 2
Hobby: Original songs, music and composition
Instrument: Guitar
Country: Chong Qing, China
Dream: Becomes music professional
Idol: MJ,张学友,周杰伦,张惠妹 在全球的iTunes 上发行 陈庭杰的作品。以下是一些陈庭杰在不同的国家的作品iTunes store。 如果你的国家没在以下的国家列出,你可在你的国家的iTunes store里搜索关键词 “TinJie Chen” 来寻找. 在美国的iTunes 上发行 陈庭杰的作品 歌集:
陈庭杰的这些歌也可在amazon 下载:
忘了说再见 (在Amazon上发行 的歌曲): tinjie chen
情有独钟 (在Amazon上发行 的歌曲): tinjie chen song 2